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Why go digital?Updated a year ago

There are so many reasons to make the switch to a digital business card. 

Cost-effective: Digital business cards are more cost-effective than traditional paper business cards. You only need to create one card per employee, and your profile can be updated free of charge, without the need for new printing or shipments!

Eco-friendlyOur cards are made entirely from recycled PET plastic, including the NFC circuit. PET is one of the few plastics that can be recycled into the same form over and over again. Think of it as a closed-loop recycling solution.  Recycled PET can be used to make many new products. This can range from clothing, automotive parts, packaging as well as bottles for food/non-food products! This has a beneficial impact on the environment and reduces the excess waste that paper business cards create. 

Accessibility: Digital business cards can be easily shared with anyone, anywhere. With the addition of your card to your apple/google wallet, you will never be without your business card! 

Versatility: With the ability to add social media links, quick links and so many different files, a digital business card offers so much more than a paper card ever can! You can get as creative as you want to with your card, enhancing your contact exchanging experience greatly. 

Analytics: With our enhanced analytics, you can track who has viewed your card, and how many contacts you have made. You can also view all your contacts stored on our database, ensuring you will never lose that important phone number!

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